Category Marketing_and_Advertising

B2B PR Manchester

More companies are keying the search term ‘ B2B PR Manchester’ into Google. Firms in the city realise that their main customers are each other and that means that they need to get their public relations and marketing right and…

Data Marketing Aspects

Effective data marketing requires the capture, cleansing, and analysis of data. It also requires that you determine who your target market is and how best to approach them so that you can enjoy the best possible conversion rates. Through effective…

Great Crested Newt.

The Great Crested Newt is the largest species of lizard in the United Kingdom growing up to 18cm as an adult. In Europe and Britain the Great Crested Newt has declined in numbers over the last 100 years this has…

Why do Employee Surveys Work?

Employee surveys take time to fill in, so it is absolutely crucial that they are worth it. Some would say that apart from wasting employee’s time, surveys don’t do much at all. However, here we will analyse why this perspective…

Avoiding the hard sell

In the business to business world there is a constant stream of companies trying to sell to you and likewise you will be driven to sell to others. B2B lead generation is a popular way of pushing sales and there…