Link Building – What Sites Should I Use?

A website which ranks highly in the search engines will have a strong link building campaign behind it. To build a good campaign you need to use a variety of different websites to place your website address on. This can be in the form of a simple link, links with keywords, and written content containing an optimised link. There are various places where you can place the URL to your site; the problem is knowing which ones will be the most beneficial, and of course finding the time to work on the campaign.

Where to Post

There are several different types of sites that are beneficial to websites looking to use SEO to increase traffic. Here are some of the most commonly used websites for you to consider:

1. Social bookmarking sites – These websites have millions of users who share their own bookmarks, share other people’s links and use the site to find great content. Each of the social bookmarking sites has their own rules and regulations so you need to spend time going through all of the terms and conditions before you post.

2. Online directories – Remember when directories used to be huge? Riffling through the pages would take ages, these days paper directories have shrunk in size because online directories are preferred by Internet users the world over. The ability to type in one or two keywords and be shown the information makes life a lot easier. Therefore online directories are useful not only for link building, but also to widen your audience.

3. Article submission sites – These types of websites require you to create an original article to place your link within, or at the end of the post in a bio box. You will need to create a profiled for your articles to be posted through. Each article then needs to be created and submitted one at a time to be approved. Read the rules for submission thoroughly if you want to reduce issues with your uploaded articles.

These are just three of the multiple sites where link building campaigns can benefit. To get the most out of every link you add always fill in the sections as accurately as possible. Work out your best keywords, your Meta description and the category you wish to have your link placed in for optimised results.

If you do not have time to dedicate to your link building, consider outsourcing the job to experts in the field.