Help Your Children Learn With These Parenting Tips

Do not be the short order cook for your picky eater. If you make special meals for him every time he refuses to eat the meal that you have cooked for the family, he will not learn to accept different foods. Instead, let him choose from what you have prepared for the family. If he refuses to eat anything, he will become hungry very soon, and will accept other foods more readily in the next mealtime.

Make sure that you make meal time fun for your toddler. This can involve cutting your foods into fun shapes, using many colors or textures, or using a fun plate to feed them on. This will encourage them to actually finish their meal when you sit them down to eat it.

Cool down that hot cereal in a hurry for that fast morning meal. Hot cereal is often too hot to eat straight out of the microwave. Kids don’t want to wait for it to cool and use that as a reason not to eat it. Stir in some frozen fruit and all of a sudden even that yucky oatmeal will be more appealing and cooler!

Many parents these days are not getting all the shots necessary for their child. In fact, according to a recent study, more than 1 in 10 children are not getting their shots. A part of the reason for this is that many parents grew up without any significant interaction with the diseases that children need to get shots for. They also believe that because other children are getting the shots, their child will be protected through herd immunity. However, this is just a false sense of security because these diseases can be life threatening. It is incredibly important that parents listen to their pediatrician and get their kids their shots.

Schedule some time for yourself. If you put everything else first, your children, your work, your spouse, or anything else, you’re going to wear yourself down. Your children will take notice if you’re run down and it can affect them. So take some time once in a while to relax and do something for yourself.

When trying to potty train your child, it is advised that you give them a reward each time they successfully use the toilet. This reward can be their favorite food or candy, a sticker, or anything else they enjoy. By doing this, they will be encouraged to consistently use the potty.

To strengthen the bond between you and your child, and to help enhance their cognitive development, turn off the television! Limit their tv watching to special occasions – children who spend very little time watching tv are more socially competent, more academically competent, and more creative and imaginative than their television-watching peers.

Need a break from parenting but can’t afford a babysitter? Give a play date a try. A well set up play date will give your child some extra socialization and stimulation. In addition, you’ll get to enjoy some adult time with the other parents who are present.

In the years to come you will look back on your early days of parenthood and laugh at the mistakes and fears. In the interim each day with your child is a blessing and a joy. Cherish them and know that you are not alone in the concerns that you face but will always find support so that you do not have to face them alone.

Information provided by Callen Ltd, London Based Nanny Agency. Caleen Ltd – nannies