Increasing Privacy Without Compromising Aesthetics

Modern buildings tend to be very spacious, with large glass facades creating a great deal of light and the illusion of even more space. However, with extra space and a huge amount of glass, privacy can be something that is next to impossible to maintain. No matter whether you are a hotel, an office block or even an indoor arcade, the same will apply, and whilst many people may prefer to spend time in a building that is spacious and makes great use of glass and light, they may find that it is not as practical in the long run.

Guests in hotels may feel very exposed whilst businesses that wish to still look very attractive at night without telling everyone who walks by that their offices are empty will find that too much glass can compromise privacy, and too much privacy can compromise how attractive they happen to be.

However, there are still options that will increase privacy without a building having to look sedate and uninviting.

One such option is the use of privacy glass. Not only will such glass make any premises far more versatile, but it will also ensure that privacy and safety can be maximised, whilst looks may actually even be improved. Such magic glass works by running a current along the inside of the windowpane, which switches the glass from clear to opaque. Using this approach, not only can you optimise privacy and still ensure that your business receives all the light it needs to, when it needs to, but at night if you want your offices or rooms kept out of sight of prying eyes, the opaque glass can easily be lit up from the outside to quite stunning effect, meaning that privacy is increased at the very same time as the building’s aesthetics are.

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