Category Industrial Goods and Services

Furniture Castors

Lots of furniture is fitted with furniture castors, it is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways of making sure that furniture is mobile and can be easily moved from one room to another without having to lift…

Cable Ties

If you need something tied together, you need cable ties. Gone are the days where you had to search for a piece of string to tie something up, cable ties work far better and you can buy them in bulk…

Castor Wheels for Heavy Duty Objects

Castor wheels are used to add extra functionality, i.e. mobility, to a huge range of different objects: suitcases, photocopiers, televisions etc. Related posts: Air Compressor Parts Compressed air has many uses in industrial settings and this… How SCADA is Winning…

Retail essentials matter

Retail is a hugely challenging and rewarding business to get involved in. Forget the doom and gloom merchants, there’s still money to be made on the high street. Related posts: Air Compressor Parts Compressed air has many uses in industrial…