Make life easier for shoppers with size cubes

As stores get larger then the labelling of clothes becomes more important, otherwise customers will never be able to find what they are looking for. It’s no good expecting them to rummage through rack after rack trying to find the right size. Everything needs to be clearly labelled.

Like all great solutions size cubes is a simple one. By adding these cubes to hangers and giving them colour codes as well, any large retail outlet can instantly give their customers a heads up. By organising clothing by shop hanger size cubes and grouping everything together, the customer can find exactly what they are looking for.

Good retail is all about good design and effective layout. Stores are having a tough time, so they need to rethink and re-evaluate every aspect of the way they do business. Times are tough economically and people can always buy clothes online. In order to stave off these dual threats store managers need to create great retail spaces they are stylish and functional.

Size cubes make shopper’s lives easier plain and simple. Thanks to Internet shopping people are used to finding what they need in just a click of a mouse. This makes them impatient in a bricks and mortar store. If it’s time consuming and confusing to find their size they simply won’t bother and will go to a store that knows how to lay things out and label garments up so they are easy to find.

Ordering in extra shop hangar size cubes is a small investment that makes life easier for everyone. It’s amazing just what a difference these little coloured cubes can make. There’s still money to be made in retail, store owners and managers just have to make sure they are at the top of their game in order to get their slice of consumer spend.