Epilepsy symptoms are determined by the kinds of seizures suffered. Generally, an epileptic person experiences a similar kind of seizure for each incidence, hence, it’s also possible to observe identical symptoms in every attack. Epilepsy is best defined as an abnormal brain activity and it’s typically characterized by seizures which tremendously affect the normal brain processes. Seizures eventually result in the loss of awareness or consciousness, temporary confusion and unmanageable jerking and twitching of the extremities. Seizures are primarily categorized into. These epilepsy symptoms are relative to the way the episode takes place.
The Usual Epilepsy Symptoms And Types
Focal Seizures. Also referred to as partial seizures where in only a part of the brain goes through abnormal activity. There are two categories for focal seizures: the simple and the complex.
Simple focal seizures impacts different aspects of the person who has experienced the seizure like his or her senses perspectives and emotions. Also, uncontrolled leg and arm movement and spontaneous sensory symptoms such as prickling, flashing lights and vertigo occur. Complex focal seizures influence awareness and consciousness. This causes the individual who is experiencing this kind of seizure somewhat hypnotised by gazing blankly for quite a while and doing meaningless things like continuously swallowing, chewing, or rubbing hands. Epilepsy symptoms like these can provide warning signs for future episodes and other health complications.
Generalized seizures. This happens when all the parts of the brain are taking part making abnormal activities. Six types of general seizures exist: myoclonic, atonic, tonic-clonic, tonic, clonic or absence seizures.
Known as “petit mal”, absence seizures are differentiated by exhibiting subtle body motion that triggers a temporary unconsciousness. Tonic seizures may cause you to tumble to the floor a result of the stiffening of muscles in your arms, back and legs. In terms of clonic seizures, you will encounter a rhythmic and jerking muscle contraction on the arms, face and neck. Myoclonic seizures occur as sudden but brief twitches of the legs and arms. Atonic seizures or drop attacks can result in sudden collapse or falling down on the floor as a result of loss of normal muscle tone. Also known as “grand mal”, tonic-clonic is the most severe of all these types since it is typically manifested by body shaking and stiffening, loss of consciousness, and in some cases, biting of tongue or loss of bladder control.
Epilepsy symptoms must be instantly brought to the attention of a health care professional and be watched as soon as it is felt.. People who have epilepsy must be informed that seizure assaults are unavoidable. It is recommended that you seek urgent medical assistance if these things arises.
. You go through seizure the very first time.
. A seizure lasts for 5 minutes and above.
. The first seizure is immdediately followed by a second seizure.
. Consciousness or breathing haven’t return after seizure.
. Heat exhaustion will be experienced.
. A high fever is experienced.
. You are diabetic].
. You’re expecting a baby.
. You have been hurt during the episode of seizure.
If you’re familiar with the epilepsy symptoms, this will allow you to be on top of any scenario anytime a you experience a seizure or possibly to other people who is having an attack.
Trying to find additional information regarding epilepsy? Follow this link to uncover all there is to know regarding epilepsy symptoms.