What to Expect from Hypnosis

Despite the fact that it can have extremely positive results, many people desperate to quit smoking are unlikely to try hypnotherapy as an aid to quitting smoking because they are unsure of what it involves or how it will work. Indeed, the majority of people still associate hypnotherapy (or hypnosis as it is commonly known) with cabaret acts in which audience members are hypnotised into making themselves look ridiculous. To many without the full facts, the idea of using the same methods as a way of changing the thought process of a smoker might seem farfetched.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is actually a form of alternative therapy and in addition to helping people stop smoking, it is also used as an aid to counselling (as a coping technique or for hiding painful memories or associations), for dietary counselling and as part of drug rehabilitation as well as in treatment for post traumatic stress disorder.

The process works on the basis that by achieving a trance like state, our minds are more open to suggestion and therefore behaviours such as addiction can be broken as the thought (“cognitive”) process is broken down.

It is accepted that the human mind works on two levels: the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious mind is that which we use to make decisions, think and act with, whilst the unconscious mind controls our habits. During hypnosis, the therapist is able to communicate directly with the unconscious and suggest modifications to behaviour.

What to Expect in a Session

During a typical hypnotherapy session, a therapist will induce the patient into a state of deep relaxation and then reinforce the decision of stopping smoking with the unconscious mind but also suggest specific ways for that goal to be reached, such as ways for the patient to manage their cravings without even realising that they are doing so such as avoidance or finding an alternative pastime.

Although the majority of hypnotherapy for smokers’ takes place over a single session, the therapist may also make suggestions of exercises the patient can do themselves to manage their habits and cravings in the future. These might involve deep relaxation, mediation or guided imagery as well as those which were suggested during the hypnosis session.

Hypnotherapytoquitsmoking.co.uk is a leading clinic offering hypnotherapy for smokers sessions. To learn more visit their website today.