Warehouse Signs Can Keep Your Public Liability Claims Low

A warehouse or factory is a busy place, there are forklifts driving around, staff members managing dangerous and heavy machinery and then in between it all are customers and visitors, warehouse signs can be an important factor and can keep your public liability claims to a minimum.

In a manufacturing or store environment, public liability is such an important aspect of any insurance policy. This is due to the fact that this is a dangerous environment, over and above the heavy and dangerous machinery, there are so many ways that staff members, visitors and customers can injure themselves while visiting the warehouse. This means that as part of a risk assessment you need to take every precautionary step you can to reduce the risk of accidents taking place.

Of course you can’t stop every accident, this is what accidents are all about, they are those unexpected incidents which can leave you with a huge claim against you for medical expenses, loss of income and even mental distress. So what precautions do you take to ensure this doesn’t happen?

Restrict Dangerous Areas

You can ensure there are areas within the warehouse which are not accessible to the public, visitors and deliveries. By only allowing staff members in these areas you can reduce the risk of a claim. Further these staff will be thoroughly trained on health and safety working in this specific environment, which reduces the risk of a staff member injuring themselves.

Placing warehouse signs everywhere there may be a risk, such as areas where the forklifts operate, where heavy machinery is located and where packaging takes place. You will be surprised what accidents can occur in these areas.

Make sure your staff are all aware of the warehouse signs and place them in clear view so they cannot be ignored; this only increases your chances of avoiding an unwanted claim against you.

Warehouse signs can also help with the smooth running of the business. You probably have deliveries throughout the day, visitors arriving looking for specific items and inspectors arriving to ensure good working conditions. These signs can advise them on where to go, how to get there and what areas are restricted.

If you are looking for ways to reduce your public liability claims, using warehouse signs that are clear for everyone to read can make a huge advantageous impact on your business.