Using Hydroponics to Grow Plants

Today, it is more difficult than ever to grow a large number of crops thanks to the ever increasing weather challenges we face. This is very bad news for the whole planet as the population is growing significantly larger with each passing year and we all need to eat! This is why more and more people are looking at better systems for growing the food we need to survive and one of the best methods which have been found in recent years is hydroponics.


Hydroponics is the process of growing plants indoors, where conditions can be more strictly controlled. This means that crops can be cultivated without any interference from poor weather conditions and this means that more sustainable numbers of crops can be grown each and every year.

The Hydroponic method of growing plants does not use soil and does not rely on natural light, using artificial lighting sources to mimic the sun’s rays and nutrient rich solution to feed the crops instead. This means that much less is left to chance when it comes to growing plants and this is why more industrial food producers have converted to the method.

However, it is not only big businesses who can benefit from hydroponics and anyone who is looking to cultivate food, plants or flowers at home could benefit from a hydroponic system, rather than relying on traditional methods of gardening.

Hydroponics at Home

As the population grows, the amount of land we have is shrinking all the time and this means that many of us no longer have the luxury of a garden or allotment where we can grow fresh fruit, vegetables and plants for our own use but, thanks to hydroponics, we do not have to miss out and can set up our own indoor plant growing system.

Hydroponic supplies can be bought on a small or large scale and this means that they can easily be afforded by the home grower who is looking to save some cash by growing their own. Whether you simply want to grow a few herbs, or the bulk of your vegetable requirements, hydroponics systems are a sound investment for your future.

Hydrohobby is home to the UK’s largest selection of hydroponics systems. Visit their website to find out how you could begin growing your own food in your own home today.