The Increasing Use of Body Armour

We like to think that our modern world as a whole is relatively safe and yet, in reality, it is simply that the face of warfare and danger has evolved. In other respects, we are constantly bombarded with sensationalist images on the front of newspapers every day that lead us to believe that we are no longer safe outside our own front doors. This strange dichotomy of the illusion of safety and the sensationalist view of danger has lead many people to not really have any idea of what the real risks we face are.

Ultimately, violent crime has been around for a long time, as has warfare; however, both have changed due to the technology we now have and due to the easy access to weaponry. Yet, whilst the access to weapons on the street has increased, so has the ability for those who police such situations to be protected with body armour, whether they be part of the armed forces, police officers themselves or even security guards.

Body armour has not only become a great deal more effective over the past few years, but the costs have also reduced. This means that the confusion about how safe we really are can actually be a moot point – instead those who need to protect their staff against potential dangers can afford to do so in the right way with the right body armour and tactical clothing.

The fact that we are seeing more and more people wearing such armour may seem to some to be a signal that the world is more dangerous – the average bobby on the beat would not have worn such tactical clothing in years gone by. However, in reality it just means that the threats are changing and that such protection is now affordable. So whether times are more dangerous or not, it is simply easier to be prepared for the worst.

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