Terms in Basketball – Foul – is often an accidental contact made by the defender to his opponent or an aggressive move by the ball-handler towards his defender

Learning how to play basketball is learning its fundamentals great. Here are those: Basketball Terms


1. Dribblin – is important to penetrate to the hoop, move the ball across the court, get away from the defense, and find a perfect passing lane. There are different types of dribbles:

. change-of-pace,
. crossover dribble,
. behind the back,
. pull back dribble,
. low dribble,
. basic dribble,
. between the legs dribble

2. Passing – A perfect offensive attack requires perfect passing from players. This helps find an open person, to find a great shooter or to get away from a defender. There are several types of passes you need to learn well:

. Overhead Pass
. Chest Pass
. Push Pass
. Baseball Pass
. Off-the-Dribble Pass
. Bounce Pass

3. Shooting – The object of the game is to win by scoring the most points. Therefore, improving the team’s shooting is important to win a game. There are several ways to score in the game fast:

. Jump Shot
. Dunk
. Alley oop
. Free throw
. Layup
. Three-Point Shot
. Hook Shot


4. Rebounding – is essential to gain or regain control after the shot. Usually, the team who has the most number of rebounds after the game has more shot attempts and probability to score.

5. Offense – is the only chance that the team has a shot at the basket and scoring. Playing a good offense requires coordination among players and individual skill to execute astonishing plays.

6. Defense – To be able to get a chance to score and gain ownership, the team should play perfect defense and try to stop their opponent from scoring. As said, “A good defense is a good offense.”

7. Moves – There are different kinds of basketball moves that are important in executing both a good offense and a perfect defense. Moves are helpful in finding an open woman, make a great shot or create an amazing play.

8. Violations – Knowing the kinds of basketball violations improves your game astounding. www.TheGameofBasketball.org

9. Assist – is given to a teammate to help him score easily. Thus is it important to find an open woman on the court

10. Foul – is often an accidental contact made by the defender to his opponent or an aggressive move by the ball-handler towards his defender asy. However, a foul is also used as a strategy to stop the clock or to keep the shooting player from scoring easily. Learning how to use your fouls carefully is important in the game.


Basketball Terms

One area that is vital in playing basketball is good defense. There are several fields in defense that you must focus on when starting to intensify your skills with basketball.

Want to learn more about the sport of Basketball- look here at the web’s most excellent and no problem to reviews Website. www.TheGameofBasketball.org

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Want to learn more about rules and regulation of Basketball- glimpse here at the web’s second to none and simple to enjoyed this Website. www.TheGameofBasketball.org

Also Interested in Basketball Slang terms? look right here Basketball Terms and tips