Smarter health and safety induction

The UK has some of the most stringent and wide ranging safety laws of any country in the world, but even today there are still far too many accidents, injuries and fatalities in the workplace. Good health and safety matters at work. Employees have a right to work in a safe environment each and every day and their employers must make every effort to keep hazards and risks to a minimum and educate workers in the potential dangers around them.

There’s a lot to take in for any new member of staff when they arrive for their induction. They have to adapt to a new working environment with new systems and colleagues. Safety should form a significant part of this process. New employees need to be made aware of the safety issues that can be present in their new place of work.

Health and safety induction, just like every other element of the process, is under increasing time and cost pressures, but that’s no excuse to cut corners. Increasingly companies are thinking smarter and introducing health and safety e-learning to help save time and deliver training more efficiently.

Health and safety induction covers the basics. It’s often straightforward factual information. Companies aren’t trying to get complex points across. It’s this type of material that lends itself well to online delivery. Health and safety e-learning can be completed quickly and at the employee’s pace. They can slot it in around all of the other things they have to do.

An online system will also have some form of record keeping. These records are important when it comes to compliance. It’s easy to generate reports detailing who has completed and understood the required safety training. It’s one of the most appealing aspects of moving to an online system for delivering safety induction training.

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