How To Extend The Life Of Car Batteries

Car batteries may only be a single part of what is typically a complex mechanical and electrical vehicle but they are a vital part. A badly drained battery, or one that is in desperate need of a charge, could leave you stranded, often miles away from home. While you can buy replacement car batteries without having to pay a fortune, you should ensure that you do everything you can to prolong the life of your battery.

Generally, car batteries are designed to operate in all but the most extreme climatic conditions but they will labour more in extreme heat or extreme cold. If you use your car in such conditions then you should be prepared for a shorter battery life, even if you regularly maintain the battery, cleaning it and performing other general care and maintenance procedures.

Corroded or badly clogged terminals could lead to a dead battery. There is often no need to replace the whole battery and, instead, you can clean the battery terminals before trying again. You may need to charge or jump start the car once you have done this but it could be enough to save you from having to pay for a new battery. You can buy a cheap brush that is used to clean off the terminals and provide you with an extended life for car batteries.

You should try not to use power while the car isn’t running. Running the engine recharges the battery so using the radio, heaters, and other electrical devices in the car without the engine running will deplete the charge that car batteries hold. If you need the heaters on or you want to listen to the radio then limit the time that you do this for, start your engine, or keep a battery charger handy because you may well need it.

If you are going to leave your car without it being used for an extended period of time you should consider investing in a drip charger. A drip charger will gradually provide power to car batteries without letting it run completely empty. This is much better for your battery and you should experience a longer battery life as a result.