How To Build Muscle Without Weights – 4 Exercises Teach You

Burpees. A burpee is used for both strength training and as a cardio exercise. Start the exercise in an upright standing position and then lower yourself into a squat with your hands on the ground. Then push your feet behind you to manoevere into a push-up position. Now move your legs forward back into the squat position and jump up in the hair with your arms raised above your head. Burpees literally work out all body parts and are great for developing explosive strength.

Pull-ups. These are like chin-ups but the main difference is in the grip. With chin-ups your palms are facing towards you, with pull-ups your palms face away from you. Also, with pull-ups you adopt a much wider grip that is shoulder width apart. In addition to working the biceps, pull-ups give the back muscles a great workout as well. Slowly pull yourself up as your exhale, and then inhale as you lower yourself (at an even slower pace). Mix-up the exercise by experimenting with different grips. Close grip, wide grip, medium grip and reverse grip pull-ups all focus on slightly different muscle areas. Also change up the tempo every now and then to shock your body into action.

Lunges. To do a lunge, start in an upright standing position and lunge forward on one leg until your leading leg forms a 90 degree angle. Return to the starting position, and next do a lunge but leading with your other leg this time. Lunges are good for developing the thighs, hamstrings and calves and for quick explosive leg strength.

Tricep Stretch. The tricep stretching exercise will look quite familiar to you as many people do this at the gym before they commence their workout. It is important to stretch the triceps before starting your workout since they play a big part in exercises for the chest and shoulders and other body parts. Ti di the tricep stretch stand upright and stretch out one of your elbows above your head so that it is pointing towards the ceiling. Then hold this elbow in place with your other hand and pull it back slightly so that you feel the stretch. Hold for around 8 seconds and then repeat with the other arm. You will find this will make your triceps more ready for action and as a result will find exercises for other bodyparts easier to do just because the triceps are nice and warm.

For more on how to build muscle without weights, check out the how to build muscle without weights forum.