Healthier Lifestyle – 10 Actions to Health

So you’ve decided to get healthy. What’s next? This is often where people get confused and convince themselves that the seemingly contradictory information is too much to handle to even attempt a healthier lifestyle. Although I admit that being healthy is not necessarily an easy road, it certainly is worth it. So lets take a look at the top 10 actions to take to get that healthier lifestyle.

Step 1 – Remove Toxins (Food)

One of the first things you want to do, in my opinion, is remove the cause of ageing, disease, and untimely death – toxins.

We don’t get weak, confused, and arthritic because we are old. We get these symptoms because our toxic cup is spilling over! So the most obvious solution to keep that from happening is to eliminate toxins as much as possible.

This means when you shop for food, that you should go organic (clean) wherever you can. If you are a meat eater, start going organic there first (make sure its minimum antibiotic and hormone free) as the higher up the food chain, the more toxins that are allowed to accumulate.

Then make sure your grains are chemical free, followed by dairy (which should be restricted or eliminated altogether). Last but not least, ensure your produce is organic or chemical free as well. Start with the dirty dozen first, then move on from there.

Step 2 – Remove Toxins (Air)

One of the next things to consider are the airborne toxins in your home.

Clear out all the chemical household cleaners and air fresheners immediately. This means window, floor, and wall cleaner, bathroom cleaner, stove cleaner, dish soap, Lysol, Glade plug-ins, etc. They all give off deadly gases and are neurotoxic.

Additionally, products like Lysol are intended to kill bacteria and germs, and while it may do a good job of that, it also increases our toxin load and ruins our internal friendly bacteria as well. This can result in unbalanced gut flora which in turn makes us sick, which is what Lysol was intended to stop from occurring in the first place, by killing all those nasty germs.

Kinda ironic, don’t you think?

There are now plenty of options to switch these products out with natural cleaners (and more effective in many cases I might add) at your local health food store.

Step 3 – Add Superfoods/Supplements

Now that we have got rid of the toxins, its time to pack in some super nutrition to help our bodies recover from all the toxins we inhaled and consumed above.

The reality is unless we live in a blue zone with no stress and no chemicals, we are going to need some super food nutrition to remain in good health.

The list is especially long, which is a good thing as it gives you a lot to choose from to remineralize your body and remove toxins. Some are available in a food format, others in capsules or powder form. These super foods include but are not limited to: chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass (and other cereal grasses), broccoli, kale, spinach, parsley, kelp, algae, maca, medicinal mushrooms (like ganoderma), goji berries, camu berry, nopal cactus, flax seeds, chia seeds, cacao (raw chocolate), bee pollen, aloe vera juice, and many more.

There are several good superfood powders and supplements that incorporate these all into one, like Boku Superfood or SereniGy Fruit and Veggie, so that your morning smoothie or glass of water can make sure you get a wide array of nutrients, every morning, guaranteed.

Step 4 – Change your Personal Care Products

Many of our personal care products contain toxins that are exceptionally deadly, and a common one that has garnered a lot of attention is parabens.

However, the reality is it doesn’t stop there. There is a laundry list of chemicals in our personal care products, but some of the common offenders include aluminum in underarm deodorants, and the majority of shampoos and soaps containing sodium lauryl sulphate.

See ten of the worst offenders, here.

Again, more natural products without these chemicals are widely available.

Step 5 – Filter your Water

Most people realize their drinking water should be filtered, as most municipal supplied water has been treated for “our protection”. However, those chemicals used to treat it are very harmful to our health.

What most people don’t consider is that our skin is our largest organ and it absorbs whatever touches it, so a filter on your showerhead or bathtub faucet should also be of primary importance.

You can see an example of good, affordable filters here.

Step 6 – Clean your Air

Some of this will be done through step 2, but beyond that, consider plants to oxygenate and filter the air in your home. If that doesn’t work for you, try a cold air essential oil diffuser (a neat contraption that spreads the oil of plants into the air) that will do the same job, and leave a nice, natural fragrance in your home.
Step 7 – EMF Protection

With the electronic age we live in, we experience electromagnetic frequencies everywhere. The problem is, they have become so abundant that the threat is everywhere, and as a result can cause serious disease.

Fortunately, there is negative ion technology to block or abate those harmful frequencies, that you can take with you wherever you go (airports are the worst). You won’t believe it until you feel it.

Step 8 – Remove Stress

Another “silent” killer, that wears away at us everyday.

Stress is acidic, and is well known to cause disease and even death. This alone should make us realize that our thoughts can affect our health.

Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses over frivolous belongings. Cut back on your time spent at the office, and express gratitude for what you already have, which is the surest way to overcome this paralyzing and unhealthy behaviour.

Step 9 – Be Positive

As hinted above, thoughts are things and can largely determine your health. If you choose to be negative, there will be negative health implications. If you choose to be positive, there will be positive health implications.

When you’re positive, you’re happy, and when you’re happy, you create health. Enough said.

Step 10 – Surround Yourself With Other Positive, Healthy People

If you do all the steps above, you will find that you immediately attract other positive, healthy people, or those who want to turn out that way.

This creates a positive feedback loop to keep you on this rewarding path, and can create a life that you never knew existed.

It’s amazing how making these types of changes, over the course of a few months to a few years, can turn you into a person you never really thought was possible.

A Final Note

You may have noticed that formal exercise was not mentioned. Its not that I don’t think its important, but formal exercise cannot create a healthy body like the above changes can, in my opinion. Many of the healthiest people I know don’t do formal exercise (but they stay active – there’s a difference), and are much healthier than those who do but violate 1 or more of the principles above.

Add formal exercise into the above, and you can become a top end athlete that no one can touch.

If you would like to learn about other healthy topics, please visit