Free job boards cut out the middle man

Free job boards allow you to make direct contact with employers, or to advertise your skills as a potential employee, without facing pushy calls or irrelevant interview offers from recruiters, the middle-men of the jobs market.

Many of us, at one time or another, have had to deal with recruitment agencies who seem more interested in getting CVs from our friends and colleagues than in finding us a job.

Likewise, often the opportunities that are thrown at you are so loosely related to what you asked for, that you can’t imagine ever getting the job in any case.

Free job boards overcome this problem, by removing the middle-man and letting you advertise yourself as a candidate, or your job as an appealing vacancy.

Like most bulletin boards, free job boards are often also used by those in the traditional trades, such as mechanics, plumbers and electricians, and their modern-day counterparts like freelance IT repair men and DJs.

Whatever your discipline, and whatever your mode of working – even if it is too unusual for a recruitment or temping agency to ever consider taking you on – free job boards give you a platform to advertise yourself, without having to shell out for the privilege.

The digital age has made it easier than ever to deal directly with customers, or to find candidates for your vacancy without going through an agency – and that’s good news for everyone (except, perhaps, the recruitment agencies).

Greater transparency means you can find out more about a candidate before offering them an interview, and check out their personal website if they have one, rather than just their one-page CV.

And of course, the ‘free’ part of free job boards means no upfront costs and no commission to pay, allowing you to offer the best possible payment package to the candidate for the job they do, and helping you to attract the top talent into your company as a result.

Buy Swap Sell not only lists unwanted items for sale or swap, you can also list job vacancies as well as advertise your own skills.