Email Lists From The Data Octopus

Email lists from The Data Octopus for a great way of quickly building a successful business. E-mail lists can be used to target your marketing campaigns.

Why Use Email Lists From The Data Octopus

However, to be effective they need to be of good quality. There is no point sending marketing material out to firms who have gone out of business or have moved to new premises. In addition, there is no point in sending out your marketing materials only to the head office. If you have the name and contact number of the person who is actually responsible for purchasing the product you are selling your marketing campaigns will be far more effective. Generally speaking, marketing material that is sent to head office goes straight in the bin. Likewise marketing materials that are sent via e-mail to the main company address goes straight in the trash folder.

The team at The Data Octopus have many years of experience with managing data. The e-mail lists that they provide are current. There are no duplicates on the list and defunct e-mail addresses are regularly cleansed from the database. They do not believe in selling junk data, which sadly is what happens with some other data firms. The team at The Data Octopus understands that if your business grows so does theirs. However, on the other hand if the data they sell to you is junk and of no use to you, you will not return and buy any more data from them in the future.

Other Ways Email Lists From The Data Octopus Can Help Your Company

Overlaying email lists from The Data Octopus with transaction details can help you to run even more targeted campaigns. The team can help you to understand how to combine their data with your data. In addition, they can explain simple ways to extract trends from that data. For example, to be able to see which marketing campaigns were positively responded to end exactly what products were brought because of that campaign. You will also be able to see what products each firm is buying from you and when, so you can target your marketing even further.


Let The Data Octopus provide you with email lists that work and get more out of your marketing efforts. Find out how at