Damp Proofing West London

It is important that you look after your home because doing so will help ensure that it is able to look after you. For example, if you leave the foundations and the base of the property without adequate damp proofing West London homeowners can soon realise the potential damage that rising damp can cause to a house. As well as damp proofing West London property owners can also consider other forms of basement waterproofing, if they have a subterranean level to their home.

Damp proofing effectively adds a barrier between the earth and wet outside the house and the structure and interior of the building itself. It creates and envelope around the building and this stops the damp earth from resting against the outside of the building. This resting motion causes moisture to be passed on from the earth and into the exterior of the bricks. Over time this moisture then passes to the inside of the property causing rising damp.

Typically, concrete or plastic membrane is usually used to create this additional layer of protection and can offer up to 20 years of protection against damp. You can find companies that will offer warranties that last this long ensuring that you are protected should something go wrong. This provides peace of mind as well as protection.

Damp proofing is a complex process and if it is done wrong then it will offer little to no real protection against the dangers of damp. Such dangers include damage to the structure and even foundations of a building as well as potentially causing health problems to those inside and almost certainly leading to uncomfortably cold and damp living conditions. With damp proofing West London homeowners can help protect their own health as well as the condition of their home.

With damp proofing West London homeowners are able to enjoy better living conditions inside their home. The damp, cold air that is caused by damp costs more to heat up than the warm air of a well protected home and the people inside will be less likely to suffer from damp related health problems too.


Contact London-HomeCounties.co.uk for more information on damp proofing West London homeowners can benefit from.