Become A Better Player: Work On Your Jumping Skills

Most athletes can benefit a lot from gaining the ability to jump higher. Basketball, soccer, badminton and volleyball are just some of the sports that require this skill from their players for them to gain a competitive edge. It is, thus, always a plus for a player to have this skill of jumping higher as part of his arsenal. Can you really increase your vertical jump through training though? Isn’t this a genetic skill acquired from birth? The answer is, it’s both. Some have it initially through genetics while some just learn and work at it through training and practice. Those who have it may also enhance their natural talent if they want. If you don’t want to experiment with free exercises and want to go right into a proper vertical jump training right away, try this how to jump higher manual, The Jump Manual for vertical volleyball.

How does increase in vertical jump happen? In a vertical jump training the core and the leg muscles are trained for strength and power. A strong core provides the balance you need to support your vertical jumps. You gain higher heights with a stronger core. When you jump, it is the strength of your legs that propels you up and that strength is one of the factors that will determine your jump height. Lastly, there’s plyometrics. Plyometric exercises are designed to hone the responsiveness or quickness of your muscles. Quickness or speed combined with strength results into what sports insiders refer to as “vertical explosion” and this is what makes or breaks a player in the competition.

The following is an easy-to-do exercise routine which can help build and strengthen your core and leg muscles as well as quicken your muscle movements: Begin by jumping a heavy rope for 3 minutes as a warm-up. This is a very convenient and simple yet effective way to increase your vertical jump. Jumping rope trains the neurological and bodily functions you’ll use during a jump so that you can instill quickness in your movements and use them at will during a game. You can then go to stretching the muscle in your abdomen and legs to prepare for the strengthening part of the routine. Enter into the cardiovascular phase through jumping rope again for another 5 to 10 minutes before starting the muscle building phase.

Muscle Bulding Phase. Simple crunches are actually good enough to strengthen the core. Just make sure the reps are enough to really work out the abdominal muscles. You can start with doing at least 50-100 crunches and just working your way up. Proceeding to your legs, you can start with working your calves and thighs through toe raises and knee bends. Repeat the toe raises for 15 to 20 times and the knee bends, 10 times. Observe and listen to your body so you won’t overstrain yourself when performing these exercises especially during the knee bends. For your plyometric exercise, you can do jump squatting. This allows you to train your leg muscles for strength and quickness in one exercise. This begins with a squat in the air then you jump up, as high as possible into the air. Do this about 5 to 10 times and as quickly as possible. Stretch once more to cool down. For a complete list of exercises to jump higher and reviews of vertical jump training programs, check out the The Jump Manual Review.

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