

Sometimes mole removal is the answer

People are increasingly aware of the dangers of the sun. Education campaigns are leading to improved awareness of skin cancer and to the steps people can take to avoid this harmful and potentially fatal condition.

Take a roll call on workplace health and safety

There is much to be learnt by business owners and their human resources team members from recent figures released by the three main teaching unions in the UK: the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, the National Association of Schoolmaster Union…

Prepare a human resources game plan to minimise Olypmic disruption

Prudent business owners and their human resources representatives, both in London itself and elsewhere throughout the UK, are already anticipating the potential workplace disruption that the Olympic Games might cause and putting plans in place to deal even-handedly with their…

Give your dining room a spring makeover

Spring is in the air, and that means it’s the perfect time of year to give your home a bit of a makeover. But, that doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on a complete refurbishment, because all it…