

Olympics and the London economy

Ever since London was successful in its Olympic bid in 2005 there has been a considerable debate regarding the effect of the Olympics on the London Economy. Initially all forecasts were very bullish, and economists from all over the world…

Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover

Having the right level of professional indemnity insurance cover is vital. With the right level of cover, you can protect yourself from the consequences of being sued by a client. If you do not have adequate cover you may get…

Choosing Industrial Property Hull

There are many factors to consider when looking for the best and most appropriate industrial property Hull has to offer. The actual location and proximity to main thoroughfares is important and you should bear in mind the availability of public…

Is Your Phone Protected?

Protecting your phone does not simply involve making sure that you have insurance for it. In fact, many of the biggest problems that can be experienced with phones will actually not be able to be rectified by insurance, and therefore…