

Virkon S is an amazing product

Are you looking for Virkon S disinfectant? If you keep fish then you should make sure that you use Virkon S products to make sure that your animals are kept free of disease. Virkon S is a DEFRA approved disinfectant…

Toupee or not Toupee? That is the question.

Hair pieces (or ‘toupees’) are partial or full wigs created using either natural or synthetic hair. Hair pieces have multiple uses but are typically used to cover partial baldness, thinning tresses or for theatrical purposes to embody the likeness of…

Online marketing: new frontiers

Internet marketing is no longer new. It is an important part of the globalising economy. It might be thought that it had got close to the limits of its potential. Such an opinion would simply be inaccurate. One area in…

Four Star two- Wheeled Training

‘CBT Swansea’ – it’s staring you in the face really; COMPULSARY basic training. Indeed, for anyone who has hotrod aspirations of owning their own crotch rocket- unless they want to Endo it to one of HM’s prison institutions at breakneck…