

“CTL ALT DEL’- off!

‘EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN!’ – Not again! You think. But that’s ok; I’ll just call the IT crowd downstairs. Even if they simply instruct me to “switch it off and back on,” that’s fine; just as long as they get me back…

Drip, Drip, DRIP OFF!

“Who’s that tapping at the wiiiiindow? who’s that knocking at the dooooooor?” – the age- old schoolroom nursery rhyme lyrics that children all over the world sing on a daily basis to learn skills of song, simple rhythm and vocabulary…

Prolific E-Smoking Venture

The repercussion of smoking is well known and inevitable, yet people are addicted to this death inducing activity. It is time to make sure that you survive this demon by venturing into the prospect of selecting electronic cigarettes.