Category Business & Career

Take Your Offices with You

For any business that needs to have employees working remotely for long periods of time, overseeing specific projects in certain areas for example, having to set up new bases for those employees for each new project and in each new…

Book a car service online

Modern life is stupidly busy. It’s almost like people need their own personal assistant to take care of all those little jobs that always crop up from time to time. Like booking car servicing. However, it’s not like ordinary everyday…

Reliable Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Are you looking for reliable professional customer satisfaction surveys? Here at Douglas Stafford we specialise in helping businesses improve their customer satisfaction. Customer surveys are a great way of measuring how happy your customers are and highlight any areas that…

Beating the Budget

What can we say about the budget? Well, very few of us will have anything to say that can be repeated here, but one thing is for sure – many of us will be worse off than ever before.

Quality used cars in Inverness

So it’s time to get a new motor. It’s always exciting getting a new car, but buyers also need to exercise a degree of caution. If they rush in and don’t keep their wits about them they might well end…

Artificial Grass has Many Benefits

If you have a garden, then it is likely that you will want to ensure that it is well maintained at all times. This is not always easy, especially if you have a lawn, because grass can be surprisingly difficult…