Category Construction and Maintenance

Finding a Plumber

Professionals such as builders and plumbers can get a bad rep. There is a good reason for this – many have proven themselves to simply not take the client into account, showing up at times completely contradictory to those agreed…

Save Money on Timber

The price of timber has risen and with the economy still struggling in many ways, this has lead many people to struggle to afford the timber they need, whether that is to offer services at a reasonable price to customers…

Make the Most of Spring

Spring is traditionally the time of clearing out the old and bringing in the new. A good spring clean ensures that we have a great deal more space in our home and an airy feel to our entire property that…

Going Plastic

Plastic was once met with scepticism and distrust as people believed all manner of old wives tales about the seemingly alien material. However, now that our society is extremely comfortable using plastic in all its forms, the benefits of going…