Apprenticeships in Engineering for Girls

Engineering has traditionally been a male dominated industry and even today, there are too few girls who are taking up positions in the engineering industry. In fact, a recent study has shown that only six percent of those who work in the engineering industry are female and this is something which really needs to change, especially when you consider the current skills shortage in the UK.

A career in engineering is one which offers great opportunities to work in an exciting environment, making a fantastic living and it takes an intelligent individual to succeed in this sector. This is why more girls should be encouraged to embark on a career as an engineer.


When it comes to engineering for girls, perhaps the best way for them to get involved is via apprenticeship training. Apprenticeships have been looked down upon somewhat in the last decade as more young people have been pushed into applying for university but there are many benefits to an apprenticeship which you just don’t get by attending university.

Earn While You Learn

One of the biggest benefits of doing an apprenticeship in engineering is that you get to ‘earn as you learn’. This means that not only do you get to learn new things which will put you in an excellent position to embark on a fantastic and fruitful career, but you will also be earning some cash to help with the bills, or pay for a few well deserved nights out to relax after a hard weeks study.

Hands on

Apprenticeships in engineering for girls offer hands on approach to learning. You will get to grips with the ins and outs of your chosen role in a working environment, where you will be able to use your skills and talent to create whilst you learn.


Careers in engineering are numerous, so no matter whether you have a passion for logistics or a knack for manufacturing, you will be able to find an apprenticeship which will allow you work to the best of your capabilities.

With so many apprenticeships in engineering being opened up to girls, there has never been a better time than now to embark on the road to an engineering career.


Girls Allowed are passionate about engineering for girls. They have made available a number of engineering apprenticeships for girls in the Essex area. Visit their website for more information.