Abnormal Weight Loss – Discovering the Cause

If you’ve recently lost large amounts of weight you might want to try and uncover the reasons as to why you did, even if you were trying to lose weight. People may unexpectedly lose weight for a multitude of reasons, and the only way to get to the bottom of it is to do some medical tests. The reasons behind abnormal weight loss that we’ll be taking a look at in the following article are just a few of the many possible causes.

Often, substantial loss of weight can be attributed to an eating sickness. The most notorious eating sicknesses are bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Even though deemed a psychological syndrome, without treatment, it can be life threatening. One problem with diagnosing an eating disorder is that the people who suffer from them often try to hide it, in some cases even from themselves. To avail yourself or a friend that may be suffering from the disease the protection needed to prevent malnutrition, find someone to discuss it with.

Abnormal weight loss could be caused by hyperthyroidism. Since the thyroid gland has the function of regulating your metabolism, when it’s not working properly you can either have abnormal weight gain or weight loss. When the thyroid gland isn’t working as hard as it should be, it’s called hypothyroidism, and it’s common for weight gain to occur with this.

However hyperthyroidism is the disorder where the thyroid gland produces too much thyroxin, which brings about many different symptoms, like a quick heard beat, nervousness, insomnia and weight loss. It’s very common to lose weight when you have this condition, even if you eat a lot of food. You can help relieve symptoms of hyperthyroidism by making changes with your diet and taking some medication, so it would be wise to go to the doctors and get your thyroid checked out if you think this could be affecting you.

Our society as a whole condones being skinny, therefore when someone is actually suffering from abnormal weight loss and its associated issues, they are sometimes overlooked. Weight loss, of course, can take place if you are dieting and eating properly on a regular basis. There are others that are overweight that will welcome the instant fat loss even though it is occurring due to an illness. To be on the safe side, always go to your doctor when dramatic weight loss occurs to see if there is really something wrong.

There are various reasons for a person losing weight. Weight loss is acknowledged as abnormal when it just happens for an unnatural reason, therefore it is best to see the doctor if it happens. Writing up a list of symptoms you’ve had from abnormal weight loss will help your doctor when he or she tries to determine the cause of the problem. Weight loss is a process that you should only want to happen if you have a healthy and natural reason.

Regardless of what your specific diet targets, moderation is the vital thing, both equally in regards to time-span and severity. You did not put these unwanted fat on overnight, you aren’t going to eliminate it overnight. Don’t forget, modest but persistent steps will always result in the greatest results. When thinking about squats with dumbbells vs squats with barbell, do not forget your own goals, you should not rely solely on the guidance of other folks.