Superfoods and Herbs – Find the Right Supplier

No one enjoys lipstick promises. In fact, most people will avoid something altogether rather than go through the potential disappointment of being “taken” by someone or something. Unfortunately in the superfood and herb industry, this blocks you from consuming products that could potentially change your life for the better.

Superfoods and Herbs – What Are They?

A superfood is simply one that has a comprehensive, complex, and nutrient dense profile that can deliver more nutrition alone than many other foods put together. Quite simply, they have healing properties that are superior to traditional foods. Examples of commonly cited superfoods include chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, bee pollen, goji berries, cacao, and medicinal mushrooms (ganoderma, chaga). The spectrum of nutrients in each of these foods is nothing short of amazing.

Herbs are commonly known in cooking and growing in tiny pots with lots of light and water. They also have a certain mystical value for their healing properties and helping people overcome serious health issues. Some commonly known healing herbs include ginseng, ginkgo biloba, St. Johns wort, oregano, saw palmetto, and goldenseal.

The confusion about superfood and herbs surrounds the multitude of them in the health food store, determining which one helps your condition you are trying to reverse, which ones are the best, and how much and how long to take them to provide results that we at least know they are working.

Thats a lot of things to consider and I sympathize with anyone with little knowledge and a dire need to be helped. Its similar to going to a mechanic and have him tell you its $1000 to fix you car, and all you can do is take his word for it that the work is required and it will fix it, but in the back of your mind you’re wondering whether you are getting the rubber glove.

The truth of the matter is that superfoods and herbs in their purest form do work, and can alleviate and reverse health conditions that even the strictest diet couldn’t over a lifetime. Thats why they can earn the title superfood, and are utlized frequently by natural healers.

However, the catch is that some herb companies or superfood formulators do not source the best ingredients, and often cut other non-medicinal ingredients into the product so as to leave little to no perceived benefit. This is what creates a bad name for the industry, and unfortunately the bad apples get the most press.

The trick is to find the herb that has been researched to help with your condition, find a company you can trust with quality, and take it for a long enough period of time to allow it to work at a level you can notice. The key is to pay attention to your body.

But do you really need to take superfoods or herbs?

There are few people who could not benefit significantly from superfoods and herbs due to malnutrition, stress, toxins, and other environmental factors. We simply have too many things working against us to think that a regular diet will keep us in a good state of health. Unless you live in a blue zone, you certainly could use some specific superfoods and herbs in your diet.

So then, how do you determine quality in a herb? There are a few simple ways to do this.

First of all, look for non-medicinal ingredients. Many times you will find fillers such as brown rice in capsules which doesn’t necessarily do you any harm, but dilutes the potency of the herb.

Secondly, don’t be afraid to open the capsule on your hand, smell it, and put some on your tongue (which in most cases means you have to buy it first). The stronger and fresher the smell, and more potent the taste, usually indicates that you have a good quality herb. Ones with filler or are otherwise diluted will have a more bland smell and taste compared to its superior counterparts.

Lastly, sometimes you just have to ask and find out by trial and error what works. People spend money on more foolish things than something that can dramatically improve your health, so you should be willing to roll the dice with the potential upside the herb or superfood can offer.

In the end, superfood and herbs can deliver nutrients that our SAD (standard american diets) diet can’t, and to be in good health you need that wide array of elements. So go ahead and do your third party research, ask questions, and read the labels. Know that the work is worth it in the end.

After all, you really have nothing to lose. Other than your health.

If you would like to learn more about how to take care of your health, please visit