Make Your Home Energy Efficient with Cavity Wall Insulation from

Cavity wall insulation from can make a huge difference in the energy efficiency of any home. Simply by installing the cavity wall insulation of your choice you can drastically cut your carbon emissions and ensure that your home is toasty warm in winter and cool in summer.

The walls of a property really do need to be insulated because, it is through them that the vast majority of heat is lost from a home and this means that you will need to use significantly more energy to heat your home than you would if cavity wall insulation was installed.

Is It Suitable for Everyone?

Unfortunately, cavity wall insulation is not suitable for every home. If your home does not have at least 50mm of air present between two sets of bricks on the external wall, then, there is no cavity to be filled and cavity wall insulation is, therefore, not a possibility.

However, many homes are eligible for cavity wall insulation and it is not hard to determine if your home is amongst these. Cavity walls tend to be much thicker than solid walls so you can find out if you have cavity walls simply by measuring them.

The average cavity wall will measure around 30cm, whereas a solid wall is likely to be around 24cm but, if you are in doubt, a quick call to a professional builder, who can access the situation for you, would be ideal.


It is now possible for homeowners in the UK to obtain grants which will cover part of the cost of their cavity wall insulation from This is part of an effort to cut carbon footprints and reduce energy consumption in the country and it makes installing cavity wall insulation well worth most people’s time.

Cavity wall insulation from is amongst the highest quality you will find in the UK, they stock a huge range of insulation which means that there is always the perfect product to be found, no matter whether you require anti-itch insulation, heavy-weight insulation or foil.

This makes them the ideal company to buy all of your cavity wall insulation from. specialise in the manufacture and supply of cavity wall insulation. Whether you work in the building trade, or are an individual looking to insulate your home, cavity wall insulation from is the smart choice.