Fight Your Speeding Fine

It seems that no matter where you drive in the UK today, there is always a speeding camera lurking around the next corner to catch you out. It is true that no one should be speeding and it can cause serious accidents. It is also true that speeding cameras have been shown to reduce accidents in black spot areas significantly but, far too often, speeding cameras are being placed in areas where they serve no useful purpose and are being used to make money for the government via the speeding fines.

Many people are caught speeding by being just a couple of miles per hour over the limit. Many people are caught out when driving in an area where the speed limit suddenly changes and a camera is craftily placed out of view. For these people, the urge to fight back is often very strong and many of them will pursue their speeding fine doggedly until it is cancelled. Of course, it is easier to just accept the punishment and those who have been speeding well over the limit for no good reason should just accept their punishment – they are endangering lives after all, but for those who were barely over the limit, or those with mitigating circumstances, fighting back is something which should seriously be considered.

Revoked Fines

In the last few years, around 60% of users who have challenged their speeding fine have been able to successfully have it revoked. This is obviously a very significant figure and it shows just how many people are unfairly being given a criminal record, points and being conned out of their hard earned cash. Fighting your speeding fine really is something which is achievable if you go about it in the right way.

Speeding Barrister

If you want to challenge your speeding fine, then it is a very good idea to get a speeding barrister on board. They will be able to go through your case for you and look at possible mitigation. So many people have get off paying their speeding fine on a simple technicality and speeding barristers can spot these in minutes.

They can also help you present mitigation to the court if you have special circumstances which you think should be looked at. They will help you to come up with a great defence which could help you immensely, so never be afraid to fight your speeding fine with the help of a good speeding barrister – chances are you’ll win.

is the website of Julian Harris, a barrister specialising in speeding and road traffic offences. Visit his website to see what he can do to help you fight your speeding fine.