Low cost marketing that gets results – promotional calendars

Marketing has gone pretty high tech recently. Everyone is talking about e-marketing and social media. These new platforms are important, but they aren’t the be all and end all of promotional strategy. Some of the traditional methods still hold sway. Why? Because they are highly effective. There’s still a place for the tried and tested.

Good promotion is effective and offers great value for money. One of the best ways to advertise at low cost is to use promotional merchandise. Take business calendars for example. These are genuinely useful items that will end up on the wall for an entire year. That’s brand recognition and advertising for an entire year. It’s a great way to get customers and prospects to remember that product or service, so when the time comes to order they will think about that supplier first.

Promotional calendars are really straightforward to put together. They can be fun or artistic. Either way they make for a great give away and will end up on office walls up and down the country. It’s a marketing staple that no business should be without.

Any company looking for a partner to help them produce a set of memorable promotional calendars should talk to Rose Calendars. Their offering is business calendars pure and simple. They know just how to put together memorable and effective calendars that will get any business noticed. Who knows what is possible? A little investment in promotional materials could lead to some significant new orders. It’s a form of marketing that should not be underestimated.

The team at Rose Calendars work closely with all of their customers to create great designs that look perfect on the office wall and help to get promotional messages across. They help to get the most out of the marketing and promotional budget. A small spend can go a very long way.