Office Space EC3

It will come as no big surprise to people that office space in and around London is expensive. The truth is that for many industries and business types, London is the place to be. This means that you often have to pay a premium price to be able to work there. Much in the same way as residential properties are more expensive in London, commercial properties are costly too!

Does that mean that if you have a low budget that you should miss out and settle for being based somewhere else? No! It just means that you have to shop around and look at the different options that are open to you when it comes to being able to rent or buy work premises in London.

One of the ways to look at office space in London that is affordable is to look at the area you want to be based in. What you will find is that different areas have a different average cost for property so by shopping around it might be possible for you to be able to work in a cheaper area. However this isn

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